Monmouthshire Rocks

Autism Family support - Coffee Morning

Autism family support Monmouthshire (AFS) provides help and guidance for families who have a family member diagnosed or are looking for support around Autism.

AFS is hosting a few coffee mornings locally for parents and carers.

9th Jan, 4th Feb and 5th March - 10 am until 11:30 am - Chepstow garden centre, Chepstow

20th Jan, 3rd Feb, 3rd March - 9:30 am until 11:30 am - GPC office, Abergavenny

14th Jan, 5th Feb, 6th March - 9:30 am until 11:30 am - Bridges Centre, Monmouth

24th Jan, 14th Feb - 9:30 until 11:30 am - Mia's coffee shop, Magor

28th March - 9:30 am until 11:30 am - Undy church and community village hall, Undy

Any parent or carer living in Monmouthshire who has a child who has or may have autism can access the service.  Your child does NOT need a formal diagnosis to access AFS.  If you are concerned you child may be autistic you can refer yourself for help and support.  AFS does not diagnose autism or submit applications for diagnosis.


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